Di Bimus (Business Multicultural Sustainability) University, inovasi bertemu keberlanjutan dalam kanvas multikultural, mempersiapkan pemimpin masa depan untuk dunia bisnis global. Kami menawarkan pendidikan yang transformatif, fokus pada keberagaman dan keberlanjutan, untuk menempa mahasiswa menjadi agen perubahan. Bergabunglah dengan kami di persimpangan keahlian bisnis, kesadaran budaya, dan visi berkelanjutan.
Based on our belief in God, our passion for education, and our view of a bright future, we are committed to developing the nation and to building a global community through education and technology
BIMUS commits to continuously learning and developing towards the future, where each step taken is a worthy contribution for tomorrow.
Stories of real BIMUS (Employee, Teacher, Lecturer) about our achievements, kinship, events, & job opportunities. Harmonizing your Heart, Mind, & Soul
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